User Insights

PropelAuth User Insights give you a look into your company's user base - how much it's growing, and how active your users are (or aren't).


The PropelAuth dashboard will display a set of basic metrics:

  • Total Signups
  • Total Organizations
  • Signups this month vs signups last month
  • Active users this month vs active users last month
  • Active organizations this month vs active organizations last month

Dashboard Metrics

User Insights

Each User profile has an Insights tab, which shows you their individual activity and any signup query parameters associated with them.

Dashboard Metrics

Charts & Reports

Navigating to the Data page of your PropelAuth dashboard followed by User Insights, you'll find a variety of charts and reports to help you understand your users.


The following charts are available:

SignupsNew users who either signed up directly or were created via th PropelAuth dashboard or API
Organization CreatedNew organizations, either created by your users, via your PropelAuth dashnoard, or via API
Active UsersUsers who had activity in a period of time
Active OrganizationsOrganizations with at least one active user in a period of time

Dashboard Metrics


Reports are a way for you to get lists of users or organizations that fall into certain categories. For instance, you may want to check the Churned Users report to see who you should prioritize reaching out to.

The following reports are available:

Churned UsersUsers who have not been active in a certain amount of dayspast 7, 14, or 30 days
Reengaged UsersReecently active users who were previously inactive for a period of timeWeekly or Monthly
Potential ChampionsLeaderboard of users with the highest amount of activity in a period of timepast 30, 60, or 90 days
Top InvitersLeaderboard of users with the highest number of invited users in a period of timepast 30, 60, or 90 days
Churned OrganizationsOrganizations who had no active users in a period of timepast 7, 14, or 30 days
Reengaged OrganizationsOrganization with a recently active users who had no active users in a period of timepast 7, 14, or 30 days
User Signup Query ParametersA report of signup query parameters associated with users in a period of timepast 30, 60 or 90 days
Organization GrowthLeaderboard of the organizations with the highest net growth over a period of timepast 30, 60 or 90 days
Organization AttritionLeaderboard of the organizations with the highest number of users removed over a period of timepast 30, 60 or 90 days

Audit Logs

See a detailed history of all actions taken by your users and organizations. Whether a user logged in, a user was added to an org, or an org completed SAML setup, our Audit Logs will record when the event happened as well as a description of the event.

The logs also record who made a change. For example, changing the name of a user from the PropelAuth dashboard would result in the event type User Metadata Changed with the description: had their account properties changed to 
{ firstName: "Buddy" } from { firstName: "Ant" } by

The Audit Logs are split into two categories - User and Organization. Both can be found by navigating to the Data page in your PropelAuth dashboard.

Audit Logs location

User Audit Logs

The user audit logs record events taken by users as well as on users. Here's a full list of each user event we record:

User CreatedUser DeletedUser DisabledEmail Confirmed
User EnabledUser LockedUser UnlockedEmail Change Requested
User MFA LockedUser Logged OutUser ImpersonationEmail Changed
Password ChangedUser Metadata ChangedAdded To OrgRemoved From Org
Removed Other User From OrgRole Changed Within OrgForgot PasswordInvited User To Org
Rejected Org InvitationUser Login AttemptUser Login Still Needs MFAUser Login Invalid MFA Attempt
User Invalid MFA AttemptEnabled MFADisabled MFAAdd Permission
Remove PermissionExternal Account MergedUser Export InitiatedCreated Personal API Key
Deleted Personal API KeyCreated OrgUpdated Org NameEnabled Org Domain Auto-Join
Disabled Org Domain Auto-JoinEnabled Org Domain RestrictDisabled Org Domain RestrictRevoked Org Invitation
Changed Users Role Within OrgSetup SAMLWent Live With SAMLRemoved SAML
Username Changed

Org Audit Logs

The org audit logs record events taken by org as well as on orgs. Here's a full list of each org event we record:

Org CreatedOrg UpdatedOrg DeletedOrg SAML Setup
Org SAML Went LiveOrg SAML RemovedOrg Name UpdatedOrg Can Setup SAML Enabled
Org Can Setup SAML DisabledOrg Domain UpdatedOrg Domain UpdatedOrg Domain Auto-Join Enabled
Org Domain Auto-Join DisabledOrg Domain Restrict EnabledOrg Domain Restrict DisabledOrg Metadata Updated
Org Max Users UpdatedOrg Auto-Logout Seconds UpdatedOrg Custom Role Mapping SetOrg Require 2FA By Updated
Org SCIM Key CreatedOrg SCIM Key RevokedOrg API Key CreatedOrg API Key Deleted
Org Invitation SentOrg Invitation RevokedOrg User AddedOrg User Role Changed
Org User Removed


We offer multiple filters to help narrow down your search of audit logs. These include:

  • The user or org that the event was performed on
  • The type of event (see above)
  • Date
  • Who or what caused the event:
    • API Key
    • Employee
    • User
    • Impersonation
    • SCIM

Audit log history goes back 90 days. If you need access to earlier data, contact

User Signup Query Parameters

Add query parameters when directing users to signup to record where your users are being redirected from. Then, view those query parameters in your User Insights reports.

To use signup query parameters, add any parameter you would like to your signup URL:


You can then navigate to the User Signup Query Parameters report to view how many users have signed up using that query parameter as well as its value.

Audit Logs location

Alternatively, you can use our Backend API to get the same information for each individual user.

curl --location --request GET '{YOUR_AUTH_URL}/api/backend/v1/user/{USER_ID}/signup_query_parameters' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'

// returns
    "user_signup_query_parameters": {
        "query_param_example": "example_value"